Freeze Dried Yogurt Bites

A trendy way to enjoy yogurt. Freeze Dried yogurt bites give tasty and nutritious choice for those in search of a convenient and healthful snack. Delightful and genuinely tasty option for a wholesome snack! Taste of Freeze Dried yogurt bites with a burst of natural fruit flavour. The bite-sized snack is a perfect blend of real fruits and yogurt, also contains lots of natural source of probiotics that help to promote the growth of good bacteria to support gut health. All freeze dried input create intensely flavoured yogurt bites. Freeze-drying processes lock in the great fruit taste with the nutrition and goodness of the fresh produce snackable cubes that are crunchy, yummy and flavourful. These crunchy and nutritious bites are the perfect guilt-free snack for those craving a sweet treat without compromising on health.
Snacking on Freeze Dried Yogurt Bites with high active nutrition value. Freeze dried yogurt bites at its optimal freshness and with no added sugar or any preservatives, Freeze Dried yogurt bites make it easy and convenient to enjoy favourite fruit snacks the healthy way. Eat yogurt without refrigeration, freeze dried yogurt bites are light and flavourful treat.
- 100% healthy and natural
- Crunchy and nutrient rich. A delightful crunch that accompanies a burst of essential nutrients from the natural goodness of yogurt.
- On-the-go convenient packaged for easy mess-free snacking.
- Gluten-free
International probiotic snacks online shop comes with variety flavours! They are the perfect treat for all ages. Browse online shop and check out freeze dried yogurt bites at the most convenient and accessible way to get the healthy and tasteful fruit snacks.
Yogurt Bites Snack is a dairy product made from fermented milk with a yogurt cultures and mixture of Freeze Dried Fruits. It provides protein and calcium, and it may enhance healthy gut bacteria. Freeze-dried yogurt bites make it easy and convenient to enjoy snacks the healthy way. Freeze dried yogurt bites retains its probiotics and nutritional value in cube bite-size. Freeze dried technology the most advanced and efficient ways of food preservation used in aerospace, enjoying this snack just like an astronaut. The health value of snacking is matter of fact the snack choice.

Freeze-drying involves first freezing a fruit and then placing it in a vacuum under very low pressures. Low pressure causes ice crystals to rapidly sublime, turning them straight from solid ice into water vapor. This process removes water much more efficiently than traditional drying. We selected the perfect combination of the real fruits with yogurt cream in which result serve the best for the yogurt bites to be marketed.

Stick to healthy habits, keep healthy snacks as options and have a healthy snacking as part of everyday routine. Lets nourish your little stomach with the goodness of our Freeze-Dried Yogurt Bites Snacks.

These snacks are made with real fruit & perfectly done using Freeze-Dried Technology which preserves the fruits and yogurt freshness, taste and also nutrients at its best with a crunchy sensation. No colour or preservatives are added. All products are well packed in aluminium foil coated bag with zipper to lock it back after opening to retain the freshness of the product.

Freeze Dried Yogurt Bites with sour and sweet fruits. The creaminess of yogurt balances out the tartness of sour fruits while enhancing the sweetness of the fruit, creating a harmonious blend of flavors. Additionally, the acidity in yogurt can often complement the acidity in sour fruits, making them a delicious pairing.

Strawberry is the best selling of all yogurt bites produce. It seems that the sour sweet taste of strawberry combines pretty well and the aroma of strawberry really getting into all strawberry lovers. Now, the new packaging looks more fun and colorful.